Bharata Natyam (often spelled as Bharatanatyam) (read: Bhuh-ruh-tha-naat-yum) is one of India's oldest and most dynamic classical dance forms with a history of more than two thousand years.


Bha for Bhaavam (expression)
Ra for Raagam  (music)
 Ta for Thaalam (rhythm)

The 3 syllables together form the word 'Bharata'.

Natyam is a Sanskrit word that means 'Dance'. Thus, Bharata Natyam is the dance form that unites expression, music & rhytm. (Bhaavam, Raagam & Thaalam) The tinkle of Ghunghroo, synchronizing with the fast movements of the dancer's feet combining with the hand gestures (mudra) and expressions (abhinaya) to form a theme is performed as a yagna (act of worship) to the Lord. 

The dance form is a Saadhna - a spiritual means for the integration of thought, emotion and action - all channelized towards one path - the Path towards the Supreme Lord! Bharatanatyam is considered to be a fire-dance — the mystic manifestation of the metaphysical element of fire in the human body.



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